Fabrika maziva FAM a.d. Kruševac is leading domestic lubricants producer, leader in the production of lubricating greases and special lubricants, metalworking products, anticorrosion protectives, cleaners and degreasers, with highest trend of production growth and engine oil sales. FAM is the only domestic lubricant producer with significant exports of lubricants to around ten countries of Europe.

With clear development strategy and creative vision, FAM became modern company with state-of-the-art production equipment and superior technology according to world standards.

FAM constantly monitors needs, wishes and requirements from its customers (industrial as well as automotive) and at the same time, it modifies the existing products and formulates the new products. The result of such activities is very diverse FAM production programme of more that 270 different products and over 544 different packages.

By constant market oriented FAM business policy, by application of good manufacturing practice and insisting on product quality, readiness for cooperation and strong technical support to our customers, and by our commitment to enviroment protection, FAM is recognized for very long time as trustworthy company and such commitment remains FAM priority in the future.

Valvoline Europe officially acquired Fabrika Maziva FAM a.d. Krusevac on July 1st, 2019. This acquisition involved the entire product and service portfolio of FAM.

For more than 40 years, Fabrika Maziva FAM a.d. has been famous as stable company, leader in lubricants production, its main moto being commitment to high standards of quality, reliability of service and delivery of the highest quality products at competitive prices.

Fabrika Maziva Kruševac basic business acitivity is the production of petroleum derivatives and chemical products. In the field of lubricants production, FAM is the leading company in Serbia according to production volume, product range and product quality. The company has more than 30.000 m2 of production - business facilities.

Lubricants production includes the following programmes:
  • engine oils
  • oils and liquids for means of transportation and mechanization
  • industrial oils
  • metalworking products
  • lubricating greases and special lubricants
  • anticorrosion protectives
  • cleaners and degreasers
  • additives, emulsifiers and components
Production is carried out on modern production equipment with superior technology and constant control in our own laboratories, on Institutes and laboratories in the country and, if necessary, on Institutes abroad. Present production concept, from the point of view of organization and technology, provides simultaneously diverse production regarding product range as well as packaging range.

Modern concept of equipment ensures achieving standard quality in production, according to requirements of domestic and foreign standards and specifications.

Production processes are located in several production plants on several locations. In accordance with technological requirements, they have all the necessary resources (storages for raw materials, containers and production and packing equipment) therefore they can operate as independent entities.

Fabrika Maziva production capacities, according to production entities are:
  • production of engine, industrial oils and metalworking products - 18.000 t/per annum
  • production of lubricating greases and special lubricants - 3.600 t/ per annum
  • production of cleaners and degreases – 2600 t/ per annum
  • production of anticorrosion protectives -1500 t/ per annum
  • production of plastic containers - 1.900.000 pieces/ per annum and 4.000.000 caps
Given capacities apply to working in one shift, 250 working days per year.

Fabrika Maziva has high capacity storage space for raw materials shipped in bulk, as well as for the raw materials delivered in other types of packages. The warehouses are completely automated and enable loading and unloading of railway cisterns and tank trucks.

Apart from the central warehouse, each production process has its own storage area which provides normal production operations.

Storage area is arranged in several entities, the most important of which are the following:
  • Reservoir storage - capacity 21.000 m3
  • Storage racks - capacity 5000 drums
  • Storage racks - capacity 1514 pallet spaces
  • Storage area - 5200 m2
Besides its basic business activities, Fabrika Maziva is also involved in the production of plastic containers and tin drums reparation.

Fabrika Maziva is:
  • Permanent member of ELGI - European Lubricating Grease Institute
  • One of the founders and collective member of YUNG (Yugoslav Association for Petroleum and Gas)
  • Collective member of JUTRIB – Yugoslav Tribology Association
  • Collective member of Serbian Chemical Society


From its establishing, Fabrika Maziva has always been reputable for its commitment to product quality. Complete product development cycle – from the selection of highest quality raw materials, through checking and monitoring of product quality in all production phases in our accredited laboratory, production process which is fully automatized and software guided, is directed towards complying our products quality with requirements of standards and specifications: SRPS, YUNG, SNO, IS Technical Specifications, MIL, ASTM, DIN, AFNOR, GOST etc, as well as in accordance with requirements of associations of constructors and producers of engines and equipment: FIAT, ZASTAVA AUTOMOBILI, IVECO, DAIMLER BENZ, VW, CATERPILAR, MAN, VOLVO, GM, ZF, ACEA API, ORA UIC etc.


With the aim of constant improvement of the environment, the Environment Management System is established. In accordance with its business activities, Fabrika Maziva is obliged to work in accordance with certain number of requirements prescribed by legislative bodies, pertaining to environment protection. One group of those requirements is related to monitoring, supervision and measurement of certain indicators of environmental influences by authorized institutions. One of the basic business priorities, set by FAM, is our dedication to meeting those requirements.


Our Research & Development engineers are experts who, by combining their knowledge, experience and creativity with application of modern production technologies, create high quality lubricants that meet client requirements.


Our renowned quality is the result of carefully selected raw materials, production in modern, state-of-the-art equipment and superior technology which stimulates innovations, while simultaneously being oriented to environment protection.


The success of a company is measured not only by financial results, but also by the way in which business activities are conducted. Fabrika Maziva, as successful company, is managed in compliance with highest business and ethical standards, with full compliance with valid laws, regulations and standards. Our commitment to meeting mentioned standards leads to establishing long-term cooperation with our customers and suppliers. In order to express how much we value the trust we have from our customers, we are ready for open communication and cooperation with our business partners in order to achieve best possible solutions to mutual satisfaction and benefit.

Igor Jokic, Master of Geography
Sales director/General manager

He was born in Novi Sad, where he still lives with his family, wife, daughter, and son today. After completing his studies at Faculty of Sciences, Department of Geography, he begins to develop his career in the automotive industry. He gained his first work experience with Multicompany LLC, first as a sales representative, then as Sales director and General Manager of the company. Multicompany, as the largest Shell distributor in Serbia, in 2013 is acquired by the Orbico Group (Shell distributor for Southeast Europe), where Igor Jokić played a key role in establishing business processes, developing a team, and creating a long-term business vision. In July 2019, he joins the Valvoline team as CEO/Sales Director of Ellis Enterprises East LLC.

Violeta Likić, Master Engineer in Chemistry 
Site Manager

She completed Gymnasium in Gornji Milanovac, Science-Mathematics Course, and graduated from Faculty of Chemistry in Belgrade. She has years of management experience in the fields of development, technology, production and control, and experience in chemicals management. Between 1995 and 2018, she held the positions of head of control, development and technology, and the technical sector at Helios JSC, Serbia. Years of experience in applying the Kaizen business philosophy. As of November 2019, she is the Site manager at Ellis Enterprises East LLC. Company.

Ana Ivanović, Master Engineer in Chemistry
R&D Manager

She completed Gymnasium in Kruševac, Science-Mathematics Course, and graduated from Faculty of Chemistry in Belgrade. She has a career in the field of lubricants since 1999. She worked on lubricant research and development, lubricant analytics and application at FAM Kruševac Lubricants Factory. Since 2016, she held the position of FAM Development director, and as of the 1st of July 2019, she performs the role of R&D Manager for Ellis Enterprises East LLC.

Ćupurdija Miljan, B.Sc. lawyer
HR Manager Serbia

He has more than seven years of work experience in legal and human resources management jobs. He spent most of his career at the transport company POLET Paraćin as a manager of legal affairs and human resources. As HR Manager, he moves into the military industry 14. OKTOBAR, which operates within the Czechoslovak Group. In June 2019, he joins the Valvoline team as HR Manager in Serbia.




Long-term systematic management of the organization - corporate culture, lidership principles, clear vision of the future - provide the environment in which all FAM employees are included in achieving corporate objectives.

Total quality management is integral part of FAM business policy, and by continuous planning, monitoring, auditing, testing and improvement, it is very important resource in managing organization.

Standards ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, important tools in managing the organization, provide performances advancement through constant business quality improvement and creation of environment-friendly brand.

In conformity with the vision and strategy, the set objectives are supported by accredited testing laboratory, appropriate information system, training system, achieving of high competence and motivation of employees.

National Business Excellence Award "Oscar of Quality" in 2005. , which was awarded to FAM, in the category of big companies, by Fund for Quality Culture and Excellence in the areas of: leadership and business results, is logical result of implementation of Quality Management System and Environment Management System, and also stimulus for further business advancement.


Fabrika Maziva as the leading company in lubricants production provides for its customers products and services which are superior regarding quality, technology and performances. Confirmation of FAM commitment to quality is the Quality Management System.

Strategic commitment of Fabrika Maziva is represented as follows:

quality product > satisfied customer > realized profit

Such business strategy is achieved by constant improvement of Quality Management System (QMS) (according to standard SRPS ISO 9001), and Environment Management System (EMS) (according to standard SRPS ISO 14001) as well as by accreditation of laboratory (according to standard SRPS ISO IEC 17025).

Fabrika Maziva strategic objective is constant improvement of product performances, processes and quality management system.

Basic elements of FAM business policy are:

  • Production of high quality products as the direct result of using the highest quality raw materials, strict production process control and new products research and development. Within the company, the quality is checked in every production phase, from input raw materials, through controlling each production process stage to control of finished products before they are delivered to customers. Factory laboratories are equipped with all the equipment necessary for testing the product quality.
  • Good communication and cooperation with customers in order to develop products according to specific requirements of application conditions or specified technical requirements obtained from the customer.
  • Environment protection and orientation to technological processes and standards in compliance with up-to-date international environment protection requirements, in order to produce lubricants which shall not be harmful to environment.

Integral part of Fabrika Maziva Business Policy is the Quality Policy which is uniquely determined on the corporate level, and with which general purposes and objectives regarding quality are defined. Quality policy complies with corporate vision, it is in accordance with the needs of environment, available resources and customer requirements and expectations.

Quality Policy obligates FAM management team to improve the quality management system effectiveness constantly. These improvements can apply to product characteristics, performances, processes and quality management system.

Corporate commitment to defined business policy is the foundation on which its business and development is built and managed.


In the course of its development, Fabrika Maziva has always observed legal regulations, domestic as well as international, in the field of environment protection.

Due to the nature of its activities, FAM is exposed to many environment protection requirements. Those requirements refer to preventing environment pollution at the producer and at the customers.

Environment protection in all Fabrika Maziva production locations is permanent concern of all employees. Environment protection measures are visible in all phases of our activities and development. During new products development, reconstruction of the existing or purchasing of the new equipment as well as during production facilities construction, requirements regarding protection of working and living environment and safety on work place are regarded as highest priority and are satisfied accordingly.

In accordance with FAM commitment to produce high quality products which will not have adverse effect on the environment, ecologically unacceptable raw materials are replaced in previous period (frigenes, polycyclic aromates, chlorinated compounds) with environment-friendly alternatives. Where suitable adequate replacements do not exist, their participation is reduced to minimum. In the process of new products development, ecological requirements are constantly respected. Therefore, in FAM production programme there is already range of environment friendly products.

As the result of all that, Fabrika Maziva FAM is certified according to standard SRPS ISO 14001 requirements.

Strategic determination of Fabrika Maziva quality management is defined in the Quality and Environment Protection Policy. The activities resulting from the mentioned policy of quality give very clear picture of the company.

Fabrika Maziva was the first company in the region which implemented SRPS ISO 14001:2015 standard and thus it has positive effects on the society, local and regional economy. FAM participates in financing of testing the pollution substances emission in the city area, and also in obtaining units for purification of city waste waters.

Environment Management System is introduced in accordance with the SRPS ISO 14001:2015 standard requirements and it is integrated with Quality Management System which is implemented in accordance with SRPS ISO 9001:2015 standard requirements. Due to commitment that the quality of FAM products cannot be separated in any way from the quality of the environment in which all our clients, customers and employees work and live, the quality system of our company includes the unique system consisting of the management systems implemented according to SRPS ISO 9001:2015. and SRPS ISO 14001:2015 standard requirements.

Environment protection feasibility studies are done in accordance with valid legal regulations, for the production facilities, which are built on Fabrika Maziva New location.

The following parameters are systematically monitored on all locations:

  • exhaust gases emissions
  • waste waters quality
  • working environment quality

FAM performs all its production and other activities in accordance with environment protection regulations, thus saving resources, energy and reducing harmful substances and quantity of harmful waste.